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Gran Hotel Las Fuentes, located in Carretera Nacional Km. 227, Las Brisas, C.P. 87180, in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, is responsible for collecting and using your personal data, the use it makes of it and its protection.
In attention to the stipulated in the articles 8, 15, 16 and 36 of the FEDERAL LAW ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA HELD BY PARTICULARS (FLPPDHP).
The Objective
Is to give proper, controlled and lawful use of the personal data managed for the processes of the Administrative System in Gran Hotel Las Fuentes.
Your information is required for the hotel’s internal processes. Among the ways of getting it are registration forms, phone reservations and/or the hotel website, quotations, agreements, satisfaction surveys, your comments, complaints and/or suggestions.
The personal data we request is:
• Full name (Name, Last Names).
• Guest’s signature.
• Landline phone number and cellphone.
• Credit or debit card info.
• Email.
• City of origin.
• RFC number (tax identification number).
This information will be used for the following purposes:
• Safety throughout the guest’s stay.
• Making reservations.
• Tax receipts.
• Sending promotional information of the company.
• Creating a client’s data base.
• Improving the control and subsequent processes of service.
Security and storage of your personal data
Gran Hotel Las Fuentes has as a purpose that the personal data and/or sensitive data collected by virtue of the present Privacy Notice can be used for the proper operation and purposes of the Hotel and for the government authorities that require it for using it for administrative, merchandising, sales, statistic and other effects that can be of interest and/or benefit to the client.
The storage of personal data is in charge of Gran Hotel Las Fuentes, who will take the necessary measures to avoid the loss and/or larceny of the stored information in the physical and digital files. We’re committed to not transferring your personal information to third parties without your consent, except on the occasions foreseen in the article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Particulars, as well as making the transference in the terms set by that law.
Exceptions in the article 37:
1. When the transference is foreseen by a law or treaty in which Mexico takes part;
2. When the transference is necessary for prevention or diagnose, the delivery of sanitary assistance, medical treatment or management of sanitary services;
3. When the transference is made to societies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of the responsible, or to a parent society or any society of the same group that operates under the same processes and internal policies;
4. When the transference is necessary by virtue of a contract celebrated or to be celebrated between the responsible and a third party;
5. When the transference is necessary or legally required to safeguard a public interest, or for the prosecution and administration of justice;
6. When the transference is needed for the acknowledgment, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process and
7. When the transference is needed to maintain and fulfill a judicial relationship between the responsible and the client.
For the exceptions foreseen in the article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data, if you don’t express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it’s understood that you have given your consent for it.
Ways to revoke the consent for the use of personal data.
You can revoke your consent for the use of your personal data through a request that you must send to the Official Responsible of Privacy, written, via email or phone call. If after the revocation you request its confirmation, the Responsible will answer you.
Ways to Exercise the ARCO Rights
You have the right to: (i) access to your personal data we have and to know the details of the use we make of it; (ii) rectify them in case of being inaccurate or incomplete; (iii) cancel them when you consider that they’re not required for any of the purposes mentioned in the present privacy notice, that they’re being used for not consented purposes or the contractual relationship has ended or (iv) oppose the use of it for specific reasons, according to law.
To exercise your ARCO Rights, you must present a request (the Arco Request) to the Responsible, specifically to the Official Responsible of Privacy, accompanied by the following information and documentation:
1. Your name, address and email to let you know the answer to your ARCO request.
2. A copy of the documents that validate your identity (copy of ID, passport or any other official ID), or in its case, the documents that validate your legal representation, in which case your must present the original to receive an answer from the Responsible.
3. A clear and precise description of the personal data to which you want to exercise your ARCO Rights.
4. Any document or information that eases the location of your personal data and
5. In case of requesting a rectification of your personal data, you must show the modifications to be made and give the documentation that supports your petition.
The Official of Privacy will answer to your ARCO Request and the reasons for the decision via email.
A.R.C.O. Rights
The rights to Access, rectify, cancel and oppose the use of personal data.
You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as oppose the use of it or revoking the consent that you’ve given us through the procedures established in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Particulars.
If you consider that your right of protection of personal data has been breached for any action of Gran Hotel Las Fuentes, you can submit a complaint before the IFAI. To get more information visit www.ifai.com.mx
For any doubt, clarification and/or rectification call at +52(744) 483 00 73.